Kodex API

Text Safety Check

Our Text Safety Check API helps you automatically flag and filter inappropriate content in user-generated text, maintaining the integrity and safety of your online community.


Access to the Text Safety Check API requires an API key for authentication. Go to the Account section to find your API key. Include your API key in the header of every request: Authorization: Api-Key {*****}

  • Endpoint: /submitTextForSafetyCheck

  • Method: POST

  • Request Body: { "text": "string" }

  • Response: { "isSafe": boolean, "safetyScore": number }

Example Request:

cssCopy codePOST /submitTextForSafetyCheck  
Headers: {  
  Authorization: Api-Key {Your-API-Key}  
Body: {  
  "text": "Example text to check for safety"  

Audio Safety Check

Our Audio Safety Check API helps you automatically spot and flag inappropriate user-generated audio content, maintaining the integrity and safety of your online community.


Access to the Audio Safety Check API requires an API key for authentication. Go to the Account section to find your API key. Include your API key in the header of every request: Authorization: Api-Key {*****}

  • Endpoint: /submitAudioForSafetyCheck

  • Method: POST

  • Request Body: { "audio": "track" }

  • Response: { "isSafe": boolean, "safetyScore": number }

Example Request:

cssCopy codePOST /submitAudioForSafetyCheck  
Headers: {  
  Authorization: Api-Key {Your-API-Key}  
Body: {  
  "audio": "Example audio track to check for safety"  

Photo Safety Check

Our Photo Safety Check API helps you automatically classify and assess user-generated photos, maintaining the integrity and safety of your online community.


Access to the Photo Safety Check API requires an API key for authentication. Go to the Account section to find your API key. Include your API key in the header of every request: Authorization: Api-Key {*****}

  • Endpoint: /submitPhotoForSafetyCheck

  • Method: POST

  • Request Body: { "photo": "file" }

  • Response: { "isSafe": boolean, "safetyScore": number }

Example Request:

cssCopy codePOST /submitPhotoForSafetyCheck  
Headers: {  
  Authorization: Api-Key {Your-API-Key}  
Body: {  
  "photo": "Example photo to check for safety"  

Video Safety Check

Our Video Safety Check API helps you automatically classify and assess user-generated videos, maintaining the integrity and safety of your online community.


Access to the Video Safety Check API requires an API key for authentication. Go to the Account section to find your API key. Include your API key in the header of every request: Authorization: Api-Key {*****}

  • Endpoint: /submitVideoForSafetyCheck

  • Method: POST

  • Request Body: { "video": "file" }

  • Response: { "isSafe": boolean, "safetyScore": number }

Example Request:

cssCopy codePOST /submitVideoForSafetyCheck  
Headers: {  
  Authorization: Api-Key {Your-API-Key}  
Body: {  
  "video": "Example video to check for safety"  

By submitting your content for safety checks through Kodex APIs, you can ensure that your platform remains secure, inclusive, and aligned with community guidelines.

Last updated